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Disclaimer & Conditions of Use

The Covenant of Hekate (est.2010) is a network of individuals, some of whom facilitate groups (Sanctuaries).  There are no membership fees, and we do not have any commercial activities, products or bank accounts.  We rely entirely on volunteers to make things happen.  The Covenant of Hekate's website expenses is covered by an anonymous member donation yearly. 

This website exists for three reasons. 

  1. It seeks to provide general information on the Goddess Hekate. 

  2. To provide a gateway for seekers to join our network through one of our membership centres. 

  3. A space for members to share their work, ideas, experiences and interact with one another, in accordance with our aims. 

The aims of the Covenant of Hekate are:

1. To establish an international society through which the history and mysteries of the Goddess Hekate, as the Cosmic World Soul, are studied, shared, and experienced;

2. For each member to strive towards fulfilling their full potential in all that they are and all that they aspire towards becoming.

How to join: Membership Applications  <


These disclaimers and conditions of use apply to all users of this website and may be updated without notice. If this is done, the new version will appear here.

Disclaimer & Conditions of Use:

  • The opinions expressed on this website, its blog and its private members group, are that of the individual contributor, and might not reflect the opinions or beliefs held by all members.

  • Materials shared on this website, including articles, blogs and videos, are shared as educational resources in good faith. Errors are inevitable, if you see something on this site you think should not be here, please contact us.

  • Articles or information might be out of date - we do our best, of course, but what you see is all volunteer work - so please be kind.  If you find something out of date, let us know.

  • The Covenant of Hekate and its members are not responsible for the effects, or lack thereof, obtained by the use of materials shared on this website and in Covenant of Hekate spaces.

  • We urge all readers to put their personal safety and well being first.  Only participate in spiritual practices discussed on this site if you are able to take full personal responsibility for all your actions - both mentally and physically - and the outcomes of your actions.   

  • The Covenant of Hekate can refuse membership or access to members-only spaces at the discretion of its Keybearers, site administrators or moderators. This is always done in discussion and by consensus.  

  • We reserve the right, within the law, to restrict access to the site in the interests of security, by IP address, geographical region, or other relevant criteria.

  • The materials provided on this website is © copyright to the individual contributor (if stated) or the Covenant of Hekate community.  You can use short excerpts in your own work, providing credit is given to the content creator and the Covenant of Hekate website.  For longer excerpts please write to with details of what you want to quote and where, so that we can review your request.  

  • You are encouraged to share links to pages or blog articles on this site if you found them useful or feel it might be of interest to others.  No permission is needed (but a shout out or tag to let us know you did, is always nice for our volunteers.

  • By joining the Covenant of Hekate and its website/social media platforms, you acknowledge that we need to contact you via email or social media accounts subscribed. These contacts may include advertisements and requests to participate in published works. We do not sell your personal information.

The Covenant of Hekate also operates a private Facebook group for members, as well as two social media space: The Covenant of Hekate Network (FB) and Covenant of Hekate (IG). 

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©2022 by The Covenant of Hekate.  All rights reserved. 
Articles & photos © as stated,otherwise gifted in good faith to the Covenant of Hekate.  
You are welcome to share public links to pages on this site with others for non-commercial purposes.  If you wish to quote or reuse images shared on this site you have to first obtain written permission from the Covenant of Hekate or the copyright holders.  

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