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Hekate Literature

The following literary timeline for the Goddess Hekate is taken from the book Hekate: Liminal Rites by S. d'Este and D. Rankine, 2009.  It is included here with kind permission.  © Sorita d'Este, all rights reserved.

The Goddess Hekate in Historical Literature


Date                Source

C9th BCE       Odyssey, Homer

C8th BCE       Theogony, Hesiod

C8th BCE       Works and Days, Hesiod

C7th BCE       Homeric Hymn to Demeter

C7th BCE       Fragments, Alkman

C6th BCE       Fragments, Hipponax

Early C5th BCE          Suppliants, Aeschylus

C5th BCE       The Nurses of Dionysus, Aeschylus

C5th BCE       Fragments, Aeschylus

C5th BCE       Life of Homer, Herodotus

C5th BCE       The Histories, Herodotus

C5th BCE       On the Sacred Disease, Hippocrates

C5th BCE       The Root-Cutters, Sophocles

C5th BCE       The Women who say they will expel the Goddess [Hekate], Sophron

C5th BCE       Fragments, Eupolis

C5th BCE       Fragments, Bacchylides

C5th BCE       Purifications, Empedocles

C5th BCE – C2nd CE    Bacchic Gold Funeral Tablets

462 BCE         Pythian Odes 4, Pindar

450 BCE         The Choephori, Aeschylus

442 BCE         The Thracian Women, Cratinus

431 BCE         Medea, Euripides

420 BCE         The Wasps, Aristophanes

414 BCE         Iphigenia among the Taurians, Euripides

412 BCE         Helen, Euripides

410 BCE         Lysistrata, Aristophanes

400 BCE         Frogs, Aristophanes

380 BCE         Plutus, Aristophanes

C4th BCE       Memorabilia, Xenophon

C4th BCE       The Harp Maker, Anaxilas

C4th BCE       Characters, Theophrastus

C4th BCE       Enquiry into Plants, Theophrastus

C4th BCE       On Piety, Theophrastus

C3rd BCE       Argonautica, Apollonius Rhodius

C3rd BCE       Alexandria, Lycophron

C3rd BCE       Hymn 3 to Artemis, Callimachus

270 BCE         Idylls, Theocritus

C2nd BCE       Chronicle, Apollodorus

C2nd BCE – C5th CE    Greek Magical Papyri

C1st BCE        Library of History, Diodorus Siculus

C1st BCE        Carmina, Catullus

c. 40 BCE       Eclogues, Virgil

35 BCE           Satires, Horace

30 BCE           Epodes, Horace

Late C1st BCE            The Aeneid, Virgil

8 CE   Metamorphoses, Ovid

8 CE    Fasti, Ovid

60 CE  Pharsalia, Lucan

C1st CE          Medea, Seneca

C1st CE          Thebaid, Statius

C1st CE          Natural History, Pliny

C1st CE          Jewish Antiquities, Flavius Josephus

C1st CE          The Jewish War, Flavius Josephus

C1st-3rd CE   Orphic Hymn to Hekate

Early C2nd CE           Moralia, Plutarch

Early C2nd CE           Roman Questions, Plutarch

C2nd CE         On the Characteristics of Animals, Aelian

C2nd CE         Description of Greece, Pausanias

C2nd CE         Bibliotheca, Pseudo-Apollodorus

C2nd CE         Protrepticus, Clement of Alexandria

C2nd CE         Philopseudes, Lucian

C2nd CE         Metamorphoses, Antoninus Liberalis

C2nd CE         Address to the Greeks, Tatian

C2nd CE         The True Word, Celsus

C2nd CE         Chaldean Oracles

C2nd CE         Papyrus Oxyrynchus

Late C2nd CE Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass), Apuleius

Early C3rd CE The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Philostratus the Athenian

Early C3rd CE Stromata, Clement of Alexandria

C3rd CE          Philosophumena or The Refutation of All Heresies, Hippolytus

C3rd CE          On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Iamblichus

C3rd CE          On Images, Porphyry

C3rd CE          On Abstinence, Porphyry

C3rd CE          Prophecy from Oracles, Porphyry

C3rd CE          Scholiast on the Cratylus of Plato, Porphyry

C3rd CE          The Deipnosophists, Athanaeus

Early C4th CE   Praeparatio Evangelica, Eusebius

C4th CE          Against the Heathen, Arnobius

C4th CE          Institutiones Divinae, Lactantius

C4th CE          Orphic Argonautica

411 CE            Sermon 241, Augustine

Early C5th CE Hymns, Synesius

C5th CE          Dionysiaca, Nonnus

C5th CE          Saturnalia, Macrobius

C5th CE          Hymn to Hekate and Janus, Proclus

C5th CE          Life of Proclus, Marinus

C5th CE          Pistis Sophia

Early C6th CE Celestial Hierarchy, Pseudo-Dionysus the Areopagite

C6th CE          Difficulties and Solutions of First Principles, Damascius

C6th CE          Liber De Mensibus, John Lydus

C6th CE          Ethnica, Stephen of Byzantium

C10th CE        Suda, Unknown

C11th CE        Commentary on the Chaldean Oracles, Michael Psellus

C12th CE        Scholiast on Alexandria of Lycophron, John Tzetzes

1533   Of Occult Philosophy, Cornelius Agrippa

1571   Le Imagini Degli Dei Degli Antichi, Vicenzo Cartari

c.1606 Macbeth, William Shakespeare

1795   A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences, Ebenezer Sibly



The Goddess Hekate: Modern Literature and Books

In the last 20 or 30 years there has been numerous books published that are helpful for those of us wishing to expand our own knowledge of the Goddess Hekate.  This naturally includes books on topics associated with Hekate, on topics ranging from the Greek Magical Papyri and the Orphic traditions, Hellenism and other deities associated with Hekate through to books on modern Goddess traditions, contemporary Paganism and Witchcraft.  It would be impossible to list all the books here, and so instead we include a short list of books we believe will help newcomers build solid foundations in history and practice.  Inclusion on this list does not reflect our beliefs or practices, so please do bear that in mind!  We have not included books that are rare, near impossible to find or very expensive - these are of course fabulous to have, but not within everyones grasp. 


Hekate: Her Sacred Fires (anthology, 2010).  This book (A4 print, or Kindle) was produced by Sorita d'Este, and led to the creation of the Rite of Her Sacred Fires, which in turn was responsible for the creation of the Covenant of Hekate.  It contains material from nearly 50 people's experiences and understanding of the Goddess in 2010, as well as a useful timeline of how the Goddess was depicted and a brief historic overview.



Circle for Hekate by Sorita d'Este.  For the history and mythology lovers, this books provides an overview of Hekate's place in mythology, her places of worship, her symbols and place next to the other gods and goddesses. 


Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller.  Not specifically about Hekate, but a useful guide to spirit work from an experienced and well respected teacher. 


Evensongs for Hekate: Poetry Hymns and Prayers by Sara Croft.  A lovely and genuine volume of devotional material. 


Hekate: Soteira by S.Iles Johnson.  This book provides a good overview of Hekate's place in the Chaldean Oracles, why she is named Soteira (Saviour) and will help those interested in Neo-Platonism and the Orphic traditions to understand why Hekate is so important. 


Hekate: Liminal Rites, d'Este & Rankine.  This short book is a treasure trove of factual references about Hekate and her associated with Magic, Witchcraft and other practices.  Very useful to inspire your practices, especially if you are already experienced.


The Chaldean Oracles by Ruth Majercik.  Translation and commentary on this important text.  Not from a Hekatean perspective, but very useful! 


Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn.  Not specifically about Hekate, this is an excellent guide to developing your psychic skills and abilities.


Liber Khthonia by Jeff Cullen  This is a practical introduction to working with Hekate, that includes a lot of recipes.  For the practical witches.


Temple of the Bones by Jennifer Texeira.  A short, practical introduction to rituals with Hekate. 


You might also want to check out other books by the above authors, and books by Jade Sol Luna, Tara Sanchez, Jack Grayle, Cyndi Brannen, Courtney Weber, Georgi Mishev, Radcliffe Edmonds, Christopher Faraone, Dirk Obink ... and many others. The above list will be edited and amended by member recommendations from time to time. 




Askei Kataskei - eZine by the Coveant of Hekate

Click the link to download Askei Kataskei, archive copies of an e-Zine project for the CoH



Modern Literaure
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