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A Goddess for Our Times - Kenn Payne Torchbearer Essay

Writer: ReneeRenee


Her very name resonates so very powerfully for many of us, whether we have walked the Path before us for years or if we are just finding our footing at the crossroads.

She is a goddess of such rich history and symbolism, spanning millennia that it is impossible to encapsulate the essence of Her magick and power. Most often recognised as a Greco-Roman deity, Her origins span back more than three thousand years and her worship can be traced to origins at Caria in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey).

Hekate is a very complex, often misunderstood – and even feared – goddess. She is the Torchbearer, the Cosmic World Soul, the Guide and Companion; Mistress of the Restless Dead, who rules over Heavens, Earth and Sea and the Key Bearer who stands at the crossroads of life, death and rebirth. A vast-ranging deity who has adapted to many cultures and spanned the centuries.

She has developed and evolved through the ages but has in recent years experienced an active resurgence the world over and Hekate is still widely honoured, worshipped and worked with today across varying traditions including Wicca, Druidry, contemporary Witchcraft, Ceremonial Magick and Pagan Reconstructionism. Some see Her in a modern depiction of the Crone, an older figure of wisdom, power and the dark mysteries whilst others retain Her original form of virginal maiden goddess, either in single or triple aspect.

There are many lively discussions, disagreements and even outright arguments between certain groups and individuals as to the “authenticity” of their worship as well as their interpretation/interaction with Hekate. Whilst there is a rich trove of historical evidence that is available – much of which is used to inspire and reconstruct current rituals, sacred imagery and devotional work – we must remember that it is still fragmentary at best and open to speculation and interpretation.

The argument between orthopraxy (correct conduct, both ethical and liturgical, as opposed to faith or grace) and orthodoxy (adherence to authorised or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice.) can be a compelling one at times; however, in my eyes, my spiritual path and my Gods are living and evolving constantly.

We cannot seek to know the Goddess by merely pigeon-holing Her into a fragmentary understanding of a “snapshot” from centuries past. As the priestesses, priests and worshippers of the ancient past were wont to do, their beliefs evolved with the times and how their outlooks developed. Whilst they may have looked to the past and origins for foundation and a semblance of orthopraxy, their interaction with other civilisations and various conflations, synchronicities and divine “adoptions” made over time did also contribute to differing, evolving and “living” views and beliefs.

As such, I am of the belief that we also need to do this in our practice. We can set our roots in the nourishing soil of the past and from there feed our souls by following our experience

A Goddess for Our Times

By Kenn Payne

and learning the wisdom of Hekate and Her Mysteries.

So who is Hekate today?

Well to answer that is probably about as simple as herding cats! Ask any Hekatean who She is and you will get many different answers based through knowledge, experience and personal gnosis. Many will vehemently defend their interpretation and experience of the Goddess and so they should, but as a downside some resort to smearing and belittling the “authenticity” of other’s relationship and devotion to Hekate. This comes across as slightly hubristic that anyone could profess to know the Will of Hekate, let alone the reasons or essence of why She may interact with individuals outside of the “norm”.

Throughout the millennia Hekate has developed and evolved to the cultures who would actively adore Her and even those who may not have. In this modern era, She has many faces and many facets. There is no universal agreement on Her and at times these differences can cause friction and hostility amongst Her followers.

We no longer live in an ancient and sometimes romanticised world, and neither does the Goddess. Though the rich and vibrant historical evidence gives firm foundations for exploring Her Mysteries, Hekate is also capable of development and evolution. She is a goddess of all the ages – She is still relevant and pertinent to Her many followers today. Whether She comes to you as a virginal maiden or a wizened crone; animal-headed and primal or ethereal and nurturing, She is still the Goddess.

As a result, Hekate has successfully persevered through the ages – stretching back into the mysterious past and extending forward into unknown future – to become a devotional focus for many, often taking forms and appearances that do not resonate from one devotee to another. She is the Maiden, the Mother, the Crone, the Demon, the Hell-Bitch, the Enchantress, the Queen, the Companion, the Healer, the Destroyer…the list is as varied as are Her devotees.

As a divine being we cannot hope to fathom the complex depth of Her being and for each of us She will reveal a different facet of Her jewel-like countenance. She appears as we most need Her or how we can best connect with Her. Sometimes these forms challenge us or disturb us, but there will always be a reason. Reflected in Her myriad forms we can also find the richness of diversity in our own lives, and we should embrace it and celebrate it.

Regardless of belief, gender, sexuality, identity, race, health, ability or knowledge we all contribute something to the worship and honour of the Goddess Hekate.

On my journey with Her, I have constantly strived to be both honest and open with my learning and experience. I have continually felt the nudge of the Goddess guiding me to help others. This became no less apparent to me this year, whilst trying to write out a chapter plan for a book She had been encouraging me to write for some time.

A Goddess for Our Times

By Kenn Payne

In the planning, I looked at adding an appendix describing a divinatory system that I had developed over a number of years but had never had the artistic wherewithal to bring to life by myself. Her whispers in my ear moved me to contact an artist who had already been successfully published and whose Tarot deck I was already using to great effect.

I began to see ideas and concepts of my deck conception in his artistic style and Hekate continued to guide and whisper inspirations to me throughout the 6-month creative process of bringing the first draft of the oracle deck to life!

This deck, which I hope to release for the use of the wider community, is one of the biggest acts of devotion to my Goddess. I feel drawn and moved to serve in as full a capacity as I am able. The years of my dedication and exploration of Her mysteries have led me to develop a sense of humble servitude to both Her and the Hekatean community.

Whilst initially I may not have outwardly expressed this role, it has always been present if in a somewhat passive sense – in as much as whenever I am approached by those with questions I will always seek to listen, answer and guide them. More recently it has manifested itself in the regular holding of a public Hekate group/workshop where I guide and teach people from all walks of life in how to find their Path to Her.

The workshops, which have been successfully held monthly since April 2019, have explored the history and misconceptions of Hekate as well as helped bridge gaps in people’s knowledge, to clarify confusions and support individuals in developing their own personal practice. This has involved discussion, meditation, small rituals and “homework” tasks to encourage them to develop themselves but also share their experience without fear of judgement or ridicule.

I also successfully facilitated a small public Rite of Her Sacred Fires in 2019 for the local community, which was a great feeling of accomplishment for me personally as well as a success in introducing new people to that wonderful ritual as well as to Hekate. 

As I continue to work with Her myself and also my efforts to support both the local and online communities, I find myself (not surprisingly) at a crossroads; one path brings the wisdom and depth of the past, another harnesses the energy and innovation of the present, whilst a third ventures off into the new and inspired unknown of the future – all with Hekate as our guide.


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