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Hecate took me back home

Writer: HazelHazel

Hecate took me back home literally.

In doing so, I had to face intense emotions and heal myself. I feel like I’ve been mentally, emotionally, and spiritually cleansed with the rollercoaster that took place. Unlike my other blog pieces here, this entry is more of a personal journey where I open up a little bit more. But there are experiences common to devotees that people will recognise.


I believe She steered me towards her even though I didn’t know it.

In the very home I live in now I discovered the series of books that eventually led me to discover Hecate. I was away on a trip when I had the most vivid dream where the very thing I feared occurred. Upon my return, I discovered that it had indeed occurred. This psychic connection between two people who loved each other deeply made me question everything, and it was what led me to become a Hellenic pagan. It was the most emotionally traumatic event in my life which upended everything, and not just the location. But I how felt about myself, and life. I believe Hecate took this pivotal moment in my life and inserted herself into it so that I would eventually turn to her.


She inspired me to want to change, and to have a rebirth

After years of depression, I realised that I had to find my own strength so I decided to turn things around. I conducted one BIG Lamnas ritual and with it a massive self-analysis. This was my rebirth, and of course Hecate was a huge part of it. This turn around was significant in that my desire for personal development was born. Personal development has been a huge aspect in my life, and I have written how for me Hecate is intricately linked to it: Personal development and the Goddess Hecate. I always felt that the motivation for change was inspired by her.

The sun setting reflecting on the sea

I trust that Hecate knows EXACTLY what I need to learn and develop

Over the years and moving a lot, I have set new goals for my personal development as I achieved old ones. I was always eager for more! At one point in my life, I asked Hecate what should I work on next. The answer came within days: my Water Path, and as soon as I embraced it, I was on a roll. The Water Path is about emotions, love, relationships, and perfectly balanced out my natural Earth side. The things I went through, the things I learnt, and the mental and emotional shifts that happened to me completely changed me, and of course it evolved into my Oceanic path.

She continues to level me up, but She always made sure I was in a place to give back.

I was so enamoured by my Oceanic path. I worshipped Hecate Einalian, I worked with the mermaids, and I became fascinated by emotional intelligence. I realised that everything I had learnt was in a way emotional intelligence. Upon discovering this term, I realised it was already framed in a way to be understood by others, and I could use this framework to advocate for it. I had already joined the CoH so when I became a Torchbearer, I decided to advocate for Hecate Einalian and everything oceanic. On one random day, I overheard a conversation about a woman wearing a mermaid tail on the weekend! I spoke to her and so begun the sequence of events that led me to become a mermaid. I knew this was Hecate’s doing.


I was clearly at a stage in my Water Path where Hecate had turned it into the Oceanic Path. She had given me my desire but at the same time, she also gave me the opportunity to share what I learnt on emotional intelligence (EI). THIS was the next level! And it will be! I have CoH blog pieces lined up on the subject of EI.


But of course, it didn’t stop there! I was in my second depression in life as a result of stalemate. Of course I fought the stalemate, but I kept hitting roadblocks. I wanted to work on one specific area of my life but Hecate kept re-directing me back to my love life. It was infuriating! It was once my depression was released that Hecate bought love into my life which meant I could apply my entire knowledge of the Ocean path, and unlike other relationships, this one kept going!


She did comfort me but She let me work out things for myself

Hecate doesn’t abandon people but she does give people the tools they need to be resilient and independent. During my stalemate, she was there and passing on reassuring messages. She once told me in a dream that she wanted this depression to be over, and that I must have faith. It almost seemed as if she was waiting for something else to happen, and that there was not much she could do. In another dream, a merman turned up, and it clicked! There is a man I needed to meet.

Still frustrated with the stalemate, I decided to create the life I wanted, and how I wanted to be. So began a new project of personal development but I was having fun with it. This project also came along with rebuilding my resilience. As I got better, and more of my depression was released, I actually heard less from her. My confidence came flooding back. Not long after that, I found that love, things got unstuck, and life was moving again!


She made me face the biggest emotional issue of them all, and in doing so I got everything I wanted!

Life was moving again, and everything was happening! And then the idea of coming back home was on the cards. But coming back home came with facing that traumatic event that had been buried deep inside me. Coming back even to this area evoked such an emotional response that I couldn’t face it. There were times I visited but I couldn’t do it by myself. But when I did start to visit, I slowly began to ask myself questions about that fear. Eventually my desire for life here with the love of life overtook my fear completely. And so, I returned home!


I got exactly what I wanted. But I went through a hell of a journey. However, I still want to keep going and learning.

Hecate took me back home, but there was a lot to face first. It feels like she wanted me to face everything from my past, as if to clear it away. I married the love of my life on a beach no less(!) and I feel incredibly grateful for where I am right now. I feel hopeful and optimistic about the future.


The moral of the story is this:

At the end of the day, Hecate will give you what you want. But you have to work for it, and it could years! So you will have to ask yourself what that work will look like for you. She will inspire you, and you will have to change. But once you do, there will always be something new to learn and adapt to. This journey is never-ending, and who knows what will come next? Perhaps in the end, Hecate will take you home too.

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Wow, that was powerful!

I love the way that Hekate appears on our lives, and how it helps us immensely!

Working with my shadows and emotional issues was something that She made me face too, and I can't be grateful enough to Her!


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