We ALL have dry spells from time to time. By which I mean, a person might be going through something personal and just can’t bring themselves to do rituals, or keep up with regular devotion. Or perhaps something else in our lives takes over and we simply do not have the time or even the headspace to do things. Rituals and meditations can be very ad-hoc. Any responsibilities (such as in the case of being a Torchbearer or Keybearer in the CoH) go down to a basic minimum, and big personal projects just do not happen.
This was me over the past few years due to organising a move between two cities, renovating my home, and planning my wedding. And of course, renovating often means that you go without an altar for a while. These types of dry spells are the result of focusing on the mundanities of life; the here and now.
There is this idea that we all need to be doing rituals or worshipping ALL the time. Some people may pick up on this idea based on social media where people will constantly post images of their altar with elaborate offerings, and doing rituals at every single moon phase or sabbat. This is unrealistic for many reasons. People work, have lives, families and have emergencies. Sometimes people need to sort out other things in their lives first, such as setting up a home (in my case), or focusing on important health or emotional issues. I sometimes find I can’t do rituals if there is an important emotion to process.
So how do we seek spirituality and connect with Hecate during these mundane times?
I would answer by looking for it in the things that you can do! Here are a few things worked for me:
Think about what you are currently going through and how it links to Hecate, or any other deity you work with.
Literally just have a think about what you are going through right now, whether it is a positive or negative thing in your life. All you need to do is think whenever you are doing something else, be it changing a nappy, having a shower, doing the washing up, or waiting for something. Think about how it makes you feel, or what are you waiting for, and importantly, what can you do to help your situation? Knowing what you need to do to move an issue along is empowering. Also, think about what Hecate would want you to do (that is if you are stuck). Which of Hecate’s epithets, symbols or tools would be applicable in this case? If you work with tarot for instance, which card would you keep by your bedside to remind you of something, be it an action or a way of thinking?
Think about the bigger picture and what you want to do next.
This follows up on the previous idea. While the first idea is about giving yourself time to process what you are currently going through, this second idea involves thinking about the bigger picture and how it fits into your life. Thinking about the next thing is about focusing on your desires. During my renovation, I pursued my interest in Hermes Trismegistus and I ended up creating a curriculum for myself to work with the planetary spheres. Towards the end of the renovation, I got engaged. For me that meant the next thing was my wedding which we planned to take place on a beach. This invoked the oceanic element of my spirituality, and what it meant for me as a mermaid.
By thinking about your next step, you are planning for it, and in some way, you could be manifesting it. Imagine how you would feel once your current issue is over. What will you do? Will you be ready to “give” back something?
Be mindful especially in nature
This third idea comes as a next step to the first two. If you are going through something negative, then being in nature is good for your mental and physical health. It is a great way to ground yourself. You are doing something for you, and that will help build resilience to help you get through whatever it is you are going through. If you are going through something positive, then being mindful helps you to take a step back, enjoy the scenery, and remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. Being mindful of nature doesn’t necessarily mean going for long walks. You can bring it into your daily life in micro-moments. When I do the washing up after breakfast, I put on some nice music, look out the window and watch the clouds and birds, and just think!

Maintain your altar as best you can and/or have an image of Hecate and other deities.
You don’t need an altar for the first three things. But if you have an altar (be it temporary, or even if it is sharing a space with something else, like jewellery), then try to maintain it even if just a little. Put an image propped up against something else if you can’t fix it to a wall. You can also store items on your temporary altar that are personal to you. I stored shells and oceanic décor pieces during my renovation. Because even if my altar wasn’t set up officially, it still had items that were spiritually important to me.
Keep a short daily devotion going
You could do your devotion anywhere at any time. I do recommend using a fixed time each day to do it. You could say a few words by your altar, or not. Sometimes as I pass by my altar, I simply wave at Hecate and Hermes as a way to remind them that they are on my mind no matter what I’m going through. You can also incorporate your current issue into it. Invoke the relevant Hecate epithet.
Stay in touch with other Hecate devotees and read what they write, and listen to their podcasts etc.
I think this idea is important because it enables a person to stay connected with others. Very often Hecate guides us to things that other Hecate devotees produce and create because it inspires, guides or comforts us; something that only Hecate knows that will help us. Other devotees can also offer advice, friendship and of course, good fun times!
Eventually, once you are ready and/or have more time, you will start doing small rituals and build up from there. And in no time at all, you will be back on track.
Have you ever had a dry spell? What did you do to keep yourself going?
Thank you so much for this beautiful article 🤗 I can totally relate and I am sure to come back to this article every now and then 🥰
Adorei este texto, até porque estou em uma transição forte e longa em minha vida. Um casamento super tumultuado e a idade que nos obriga a sermos mais ponderados, 56 anos, enfim... em meu singelo mas dedicado altar a Hécate eu me desnudo em tudo o que sinto e sou afagada e acariciada pra continuar sem medo. Perdi as contas das tantas vezes, em quase 20 anos de devoção, que em momentos decisivos e difíceis, clamei a Hécate por socorro e Ela veio veloz a me ajudar. Acredito realmente que a devoção diária, mesmo que a mais simples que seja, é a maneira mais forte e sensata para estarmos sempre ligadas à Mãe Altíssima. E aqui vai uma explicação: talvez…
Thank you so much for this words. Sometimes it is so difficult not feeling guilty
I love this!! I've been in a dry spell with a good chunk of my spirituality. Everything I've been wanting to do relating to CoH was put on hold and I've had to prioritize the mundanity and different aspects of my spirituality such as my ancestors. I know she's been with me this whole time through it all. Im hoping to dedicate a day soon where I can write a blog, finish my protection and healing spells for the projects, do more practice for priestess work as well as finally create my Sanctuary of Hekate Psychopompos Apotropaia