Well, hi there! My name is Kami, though I also go by Lamia. I was raised with the occult and Hermetics, but have ventured more toward folkloric witchcraft, Hekatean witchcraft, and Hellenic Ploytheism. I work as an apothecarist and educator in Albuquerque, NM in the Southwestern USA. I also work as a massage therapist and own my own small business, Heart & Vine Apothecary, that sells herbal remedies and withcraft goods.
I have written two books- Ars Granorum: The Six Seed Arts of Witchcraft and On Needles and Pins: A Witches' Book of Poppetry and Figure Magic. I have a new book coming out Fall 2024 through Crossed Crow, titled The Tameless Path: Unleashing the Power of Invasive Plants in Witchcraft.
I currently am a regular contributor to Noumenia News and am undergoing my Torchbearer process. I also have a blog about wortcunning and poison path herbs here on the CoH website.
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Posts (2)

Lamia Rex
Sorcerexx & Polypharmakon